Solar Tracker

The solar panel uses photovoltaic cells (PV cells). The PV cells detect the light intensity and according to that, the tracker adjusts the direction that a solar panel to the position of the Sun in the sky.

Every time, the tracker adjusts the panel perpendicular to the Sun so more sunlight strikes the solar panel, less light is reflected. Hence, it absorbs more energy which can be converted into power.

In this Project, I used the LDR sensor to detect the light(sun) intensity and servo motors for automatic rotation of the panel using the Arduino microcontroller. Arduino Uno board uses to control the motor as per the output of the LDR sensor.

  • Project Type: Hardware , Raspberry Pi
  • Related To:
    Personal Hobbies
  • Duration:
    Nov 2019 - Dec 2019
  • Duration of Development:
    1 Month
  • Task: Development